Jim Kinnear @ Financial Times Oil & Gas Strategies Summit
May 21, 2014 -

Jim Kinnear is a panelist at the 2:20 – 3:20 pm as follows:

Financing Oil and Gas along the Supply Chain

Massive investments are required for the development of upstream, midstream and downstream projects in the years ahead to finance the expansion of North America’s oil and gas industry. Financing is readily available today, but what are the potential risks to the supply of capital? Will rising interest rates threaten the industry's growth? The independent oil and gas producers that have led the shale revolution still have capital expenditures running well ahead of their free cash flows. How will they be able to make the investments they need? How can the use of derivatives help reduce costs and risk? How great a role can MLPs play in attracting investors? And mergers and acquisition activity slowed sharply last year. How likely is it that we will see a pick-up in deal-making, and how important is it to the health of the industry?

Opening remarks from: James Kinnear, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Kinnear Financial

Poppy Allonby, Managing Director, BlackRock Investment Management
James Kinnear, Founder, Chairman and CEO, Kinnear Financial
David Leuschen, Co-Founder and Senior Managing Director; Riverstone Holdings LLC
Cristina Roberts, Managing Director – Head of Energy & Commodity Finance Americas Corporate Banking Americas, BNP Paribas

Moderated by: Ed Crooks, US Energy and Industry Editor, Financial Times

If any interest in attending, please contact Sally Elliott 888 532.2285, 403 532.7776 or sally.elliott@kinnearfinancial.com

Kinnear Financial